Presents this letter as a gesture to the following people
.the lady who was killed by her husband,
.the child who was killed by his father, and
.the husband/father who killed himself:
Dear Lost Family,
The reason why I say 'family' is because we are all one family, and we should be one in unity, one in love, and we should
stand together under one God.
Brotheren, let us come together to respect our most precious Queen (and do not lose sight of the fact that every one
who utlimately matures into a woman is a Queen). Let us bring back the Love, the Unity and most of all, our Precious God into
our big, loving human family.
Family, as mature adults, we as a people should respect each other and realize that each person is grown. If we as people
cannot get along with one another, then we should respect each other's decisions to depart the situation or the relationship
we are involved in. We must recognize that we cannot raise other grown-ups; they are their own persons, just as you are. Therefore,
you should show them the same respect you expect to be shown.
This incident has resulted in a loss for all of us: A FAMILY GONE TOO SOON.
So I offer this letter to all of us remaining in the human family (the whole world)
Stay Focused
Stay in your Right Mind
and remember.
Sincerly yours and with all my love,
Min. Ronald McNeal, Sr.
President & Owner of the McNeal City Foundation